Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Microchip

The invention of the microchip changed the way we do everything. The microchip lead to computers, calculators, cellphones, etc. If it is electronic, then you can make a pretty good guess that it has a microchip inside of it. Before the microchip computers took up entire rooms, and they were only capable of simple math. Now look where we are at. Hm... I would love to be the guy who invented the microchip. Thank you who ever you are for making our lives so much easier.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A new way to store your information
The invention of the flash drive has changed the way most people save information on their computers. Flash drives make it a lot easier to carry around your saved info. Why carry a CD or a floppy disk when you can carry a little memory stick in your pocket or on a key chain. The flash drive started out being able to hold 512MB, but now I believe they can hold up to 10GB.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Living on Mars?

I thought living on the moon would be crazy. Imagine living on Mars. Scientists think that if they can find water that they can slowly plant plants on the planet. Doing this they can create oxygen and change the makeup of Mars. Over time Mars could start to look like a second earth. Of course that's a long time from now.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Movie Station?

The TrekStor Movie Station is still a new idea but it is quite impressive. TrekStor is a hard drive that stores movies from your computer and allows you to play them on your TV. The Movie Station starts at $350 for 250 gigabytes. They also have a 500 gigabyte model for $400, and it can store about 128,000 MP3 files or 125 movies.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Living on the moon?

I still have trouble believing that one day we will have a colony on the moon. NASA is literally talking about it now. It is not just an idea anymore. They want to make it a reality. They want to build a small base on the moon so they can refuel space shuttles and send them on their way to Mars.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Internet

The Internet has revolutionized the way people: sell, buy, trade, and communicate. If you think about it, it is quite amazing. We went from having to mail people to being able to email someone and have them receive it with in seconds. People can get any information they need in minuets without having to go drive out to their local library. I can use messenger systems such as "AIM" to talk to all my friends. I don't have to tie up the phone lines. The Internet is one of the best things to ever come about.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


The International space station is a symbol of how far we have advanced ever since the invention of fire. We have an instalment in space that's capable of allowing astronauts to live for months at a time in space. We started out with a satellite and now we are here. The Space station runs off of solar power which is pretty cool. I can not imagine what is in the future for us.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Rear-veiw Camera's?

So I was walking through Circuit City and I was looking at the car stereo systems, when I noticed a rear-view mirrar with a little TV on it. It comes with a camera that hooks on your liciense plate. What the camera sees is displayed on the rear-view mirrar. I do not really see a point to this, but it would be a really cool gadget to own.